Saturday, September 17, 2011

Guest reviewers wanted!

Did you ever want to be a book reviewer? Well, Lucinda and I thought that it would be a great idea to solicit guest reviews from fellow readers and library patrons. We want to know what you're reading! Love it or hate it, send us a brief review of any book you have read recently and your review may be featured on Book News and Reviews.

Here are the rules:
1. Tell us the title and author of the book you are reviewing.
2. Give a star rating to the book, based on our rating system.
3. Provide a brief, ORIGINAL summary of the book (at least one complete sentence).
4. Provide a brief review of the book (250 words or less). Did you like it? Why did you rate it as you did?
5. Tell us your name (an internet handle/alias is okay) and age/grade.
6. Please send your reviews to me at, with “Blog Guest Review” in the subject line so I can prioritize it (You have no idea what my inbox looks like. Seriously).

Easy, right?  Feel free to send over reviews now, and I’ll start publishing them as they come in. We look forward to hearing from you!

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