Wednesday, January 18, 2012

GUEST REVIEW: Along Wooded Paths by Tricia Goyer

Our adult/teen programmer, Allison, is back with another guest review! This time she delves into adult Christian fiction.

Allison's Rating: 5 of 5 stars
Audience: Adult
Genre: Christian Romance/Amish
Series: Big Sky #1

 In lieu of a summary, I found this book trailer:

Allison's Guest Review:
I had all but given up on Amish fiction. After having read scores of the same old storyline (Amish girl falls in love with someone from outside her world; someone has a horrific buggy accident; another Amish girl is pregnant before her marriage; family secrets are revealed), I was hesitant to delve into this one. Imagine my surprise when Tricia Goyer changed all that. 

Granted, all those elements that usually make up the storyline of an Amish romantic fiction are there, but they are not the storyline in this particular book. Goyer uses descriptions of the Montana town where Marianna is living that allow the reader to form a mental picture of the town and its inhabitants. I could actually see Sarah and Marianna conversing in the kitchen of the country store where they worked. More so than other Amish fiction books I have read, Along Wooded Paths delves deeper into the thoughts and hopes of a young girl, the struggle she has with her faith, and the choices she ultimately makes. 

I can honestly say I am looking forward to reading the next installment, Beyond Hopes Valley. And, Goyer certainly intrigued me with her teaser chapter! This was a great read, full of all those elements necessary to draw a reader into its fantasy world. I would highly recommend it.

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