Saturday, February 18, 2012

GUEST REVIEW: Home at Last by Bonnie Leon

We have our very first, non-library employee guest review! Donna, one of our regular patrons here at BCPL,  loved Home at Last so much that she wanted to share it with all of us.

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Donna's Rating: 5 of 5 stars
Audience: Adult/Young Adult
Genre: Historical/Christian Fiction
Series: Matanuska Series #3
Donna's Summary & Review: 
I just finished the book called Home at Last by Bonnie Leon. This is the 3rd novel of a trilogy called The Manatuska Valley Series, set in pre-World War II Alaska. The book is about the son of the Hasper Family coming to terms with resentment that has festered in him for years, after the death of his much beloved father. The book is a Christian Fiction novel, based on historical facts. It is about a young man that goes to war, taking his love for his childhood girlfriend with him. He and his girlfriend, along with his family, have their ups and downs, but they never lose their faith in God. This book, along with all the other two books in the series, is a book that you will not be able to put down.   

The book is so uplifting with Christian prayer, along with human faults, that I was able to readily identify with and be blessed with so much, that I did not want the book(s) to end! The 1st book starts out with the Hasper family moving from a dusty farm in the lower 48 states, to Alaska. The family hopes to win a good farm in the land lottery that the US government is using to help families settle Alaska. There are pitfalls and heartaches in Alaska, just like everywhere though, that the family must work its way through. You will get to know each of the characters in the small town of Palmer, Alaska. The characters will come alive for you; it's almost as though you are a part of the family.

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