Saturday, July 13, 2013

GUEST REVIEW: My Sister's Stalker by Nancy Springer

BCPL programmer Allison is back with another guest review!

Allison's Rating: 4/5 Stars
Genre: Mystery/Suspense
Audience: Teen/Young Adult

Summary: Sixteen-year-old Rig Googles his sister, who he is missing camaraderie with since his parents' divorce, and finds that there is a website dedicated to her. He feels that the person who put the pictures of his sister on the website is a stalker, though he has trouble trying to convince his mother of that fact. She feels that the site dedicated to her daughter is created by an admirer. Rig skips school and takes a bus to his old hometown to show his father what he has found. While his mother is obviously looking at things pessimistically, his more down-to-earth father shares his concerns. The two of them embark on a journey where Rig has to look into himself to "connect" with the website creator in order to save his sister from what he sees as a threat.

Allison's Guest Review:
This will be a good read for reluctant readers, especially among young men. It is a quick read; it took me just under two hours to read. It will be perfect for those who just want a quick mystery, but some readers used to in-depth novels will be asking for more detail. Rig is a typical sixteen year old, struggling to adjust to a new town and a new school after his parents' divorce. He feels more connected to his mother than his father, and begrudgingly admits to missing his sister, too. He must connect with his father in order to warn his sister of the danger he feels she is in, and discovers that he has the quality traits his father has always professed to not seeing in Rig. The two embark on a trip to save Rig's sister dealing with knife-wielding maniacs, an inability to communicate, and inner turmoil in order to accomplish their goals.


  1. The plot was predictable, the dialog didn't ring true, and the characters were one-sided, BUT... I liked how this post-divorce family supported one another in a crisis, AND... at an action-packed 93 pages, this book might be just right for readers looking for something quick and easy.

    Irene (Renton's River Adventures, Inc.)

  2. What a very interesting story! I'm sure this’ll bring a lot of excitement to mystery lovers like me. At the same time, it also teaches how family is important. Rig must've struggled hard to protect his sister. I'll grab a copy and start reading.

    Shelley @

  3. @ Irene: this book didn't really appeal to me either, but I am glad you found some positive aspects. Also, I agree that it may make a good choice for reluctant readers.

    @ Iris: :)

    @ Adrianna: Excellent! I hope you enjoy the book. Please drop back in and share your views!
