Monday, August 8, 2011

REVIEW: The Girl in the Steel Corset

Rating: 2/5 Stars
Audience: Young Adult/Teen
Genre: Steampunk

Summary:  After fighting off the advances of a wicked employer, Finley Jayne seeks to unite her dual supernatural nature with the help of a handsome, young duke, Griffin King,  who also shows signs of supernatural powers.  While attempting to reconcile her two halves, Finley attempts to thwart a plot to harm Victoria, the aging monarch and finds herself making some extraordinary new friends in the group that surrounds the Duke.

Lucinda's thoughts:  I picked up this book because I was intrigued by the title and the cover art. However, the book did not live up to the promise of its title or cover.  While an entertaining enough read, it fell flat with me.  I could not seem to get attached to any of the characters as their development was very superficial. In addition, there are too many of them to allow for any real attachments.  Of course, the fast paced fight scenes and kung-fu fisticuffs are entertaining and there is an evil plot to replace Queen Victoria with an automaton thrown into the mix.  On the whole, though, I was severely unimpressed by this book.  I would give it a pass and just admire the pretty cover art.

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