Tuesday, September 6, 2011

REVIEW: Beauty Queens by Libba Bray

Rating: 4/5 Stars
Audience: Teen/Young Adult
Genre: Social Satire/Comedy

Summary: What happens when a plane load of beauty queens from the Miss Teen Dream Pageant crash land on an island? Is there an underlying plot here or just dumb bad luck?  What secrets will be uncovered about the contestants and what will they learn about themselves as they strive to survive in unfamiliar territory? To find out, read Libba Bray's Beauty Queens.

Lucinda's Thoughts:  This book was a good read.  I classed it as a social satire because of the manner in which Libba Bray presents the contestants and the concept of beauty pageants as a whole.  With subtle, sarcastic humor and biting wit, Bray allows us to gain insight into the world of the beauty queen and what might motivate a young woman to participate in a beauty pageant.  The characters are likable, the villains quirky but evil, and the commercial breaks hilarious. While the plot is somewhat unrealistic, the underlying humor and enjoyable storyline more than compensates for it.  I throughly recommend it as a fun read for the fall!

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