Thursday, January 19, 2012

DUAL REVIEW: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

Rating: 5/5 Stars
Audience: Adult/YA Crossover
Genre: Fantasy/Magical Realism

Summary: The Cirque des Rêves arrives in the night, without warning, and captivates its audience from dusk till dawn. What the audience—and most of the performers—do not know is that the circus is merely the arena for a much grander scheme. Two magicians have set their protégés on a collision course, a deadly game where not even the participants themselves are sure of the rules—or the consequences. Celia, the daughter of Prospero the Enchanter, is a performer in the circus, pretending that her magical feats are mere illusion. Marco, an orphaned boy trained by Prospero's greatest rival to defeat Celia, is more covert in his strategy. The Night Circus spans decades and continents as the game plays out slowly—until the two competitors finally meet and fall in love, putting the circus itself at risk.

Lucinda's Views:
This is a beautifully written intricate tale that seems to be a tale of star-crossed lovers, but is so much more than it seems. The intricate tale weaves in and out of the lives of Celia and Marco effortlessly, while also supporting the depth of the other characters that are inherent to the development of this wonderful story.  I must say that the ending was not what I expected, but was extremely satisfying for all that is was unexpected.  Even the supporting characters were extraordinarily well-developed. Each character was intriguing and kept the story moving towards its penultimate conclusion.  If you haven't yet had a chance to pick this up, it should be a must on your list.

To see Tracy's earlier review click here:

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