Thursday, July 26, 2012

REVIEW: Terror by Night by Terry Caffey

Star Rating: 4/5 (Playaway audiobook)
Genre: True Crime
Audience: Adult/Upper Level Young Adult

Summary: When his young family is murdered by his own daughter's ex-boyfriend, Terry Caffey must learn to live as the only survivor of the attack and come to grips with this tragedy.  As he strives to take up his life again, he comes to a great understanding of the grace, mercy, and purpose of God. 

Lucinda's Views: This book was recommended to me by a fellow librarian and at first I was sceptical as to whether or not I would enjoy reading it.  However, I found myself glued to my headphones and caught up in the tragedy of Terry's life.  I found myself close to tears many times in this book as Terry recounted anecdotes from his family life prior to the horrific murders. 

This book does have a Christian bent, but it comes across as an integral part of the story as opposed to being didactic.  Terry's faith is the impetuous that allows him to rebuild his life and truly forgive his family's murderers including his own daughter Erin.

If you find that you like books that tell a tale of triumph over adversity and the strength of the human spirit this is a must read for you.

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