Friday, November 1, 2013

Fall 2013 Giveaway Winners + Last Chance Giveaway!

Grace Doll by Jennifer Laurens
Cover Description:
Grace Doll had everything a girl could want:      
Fame. Fortune. Beauty. Everything except her      
freedom. So when a powerful movie producer      
forces an experimental treatment on Grace--one      
that's purported to make beauty immortal--she      
stages her own death to escape him. With the      
help of trusted friends, Grace slips into hiding.        
She's forever flawless. Forever young, and      
forever pursued by her past.       
But when a stranger arrives on her doorstep,        
holding the key to a life she thought she'd       
left behind, Grace must decide   between the      
safety she's known...and embracing the role      
she was born to play.      
And the winners are...
# 127  Jada Redmon
# 53  Pinky028
# 62  Pinky028
# 56  Pinky028
# 6 Bethany
# 65 Pinky028
# 68  Kari Crum
# 134  Jada Redmon
# 85  Anonymous (Jen)
# 135  mrsshreve
# 80  Anonymous (Jen)
# 18  Jessica Cooper
# 88  Anonymous (Jen)
# 103  Kayla Druin
# 140  Catherine Spann
# 93  Anonymous (Jen)

....But wait! We have an extra giveaway available. For those of you who didn't win, Grace Doll by Jennifer Laurens is now up for grabs.The book goes to the first person to leave a comment below (be sure to leave your e-mail address so I can arrange pickup!) Ready... Set...Go!


  1. I would love to win if you have not picked a winner :)

  2. Excellent! I will e-mail you from work Monday to arrange pick up.
