You've heard of spring cleaning, right? Well, Lucinda and I took a look around our respective offices and overflowing home bookshelves and decided a fall cleaning was definitely in order. The good news for you? We've got dozens of ARCs, both old and new, that we have to give up (unless we want to be buried beneath our TBRs, which are beginning to resemble the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Or, at least mine is!). Anyway, here are the prepub books that we can't wait to pass over to your hot little hands! We think there's a little something for everyone. Rules of entry are at the end of the post. Contest ends on Friday, October 14, 2011.
Primary Audience: Adults
Triangles by Ellen Hopkins (October 2011) *TWO COPIES AVAILABLE* |
A Thousand Lives by Julia Scheeres (October 2011) *TWO COPIES AVAILABLE* |
Maman's Homesick Pie by Donia Bijan (October 2011) |
In the Sea There Are Crocodiles by Fabi Geda (August 2011) |
Original Sin by Beth McMullen (July 2011) Sally Sin #1 |
The Soldier's Wife by Margaret Leroy (June 2011) |
Prophecy by S.J. Parris (May 2011) Giordano Bruno Mystery #2 |
Heresy by S.J. Parris (2010) Giordano Bruno Mystery #1 |
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One Day by David Nicholls (2010) |
Simple Skin Beauty Dr. Ellen Marmur (2010) |
Think of a Number by John Verdon (2010) |
The Lost Summer of Louisa May Alcott by Kelly O'Connor McNees (2010) |
The Promised World by Lisa Tucker (2010) |
Etta by Gerald Kolpan (2009) |
The Little Giant of Aberdeen County by Tiffany Baker (2009) |
South of Broad by Pat Conroy (2009) |
The Marriage Bureau for Rich People by Farahad Zama (2009) |
Sacred Hearts by Sarah Dunant (2009) |
American Widow by Alissa Torres (2008) |
The House at Midnight by Lucie Whitehouse (2008) |
Looking for Salvation at the Dairy Queen by Susan Gregg Gilmore (2008) |
The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry (2008) |
The Heretic's Daughter by Kathleen Kent (2008) |
So Long at the Fair by Christina Schwarz (2008) |
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The White Mary by Kira Salak (2008) |
Primary Audience: Teens
Promise the Night by Michaela McColl (November 2011) |
The Phantom Limb by William Sleator (October 2011) |
Darwen Arkwright and the Peregrine Pact by A.J. Hartley (October 2011) |
Glow by Amy Kathleen Ryan (September 2011) |
All These Things I've Done by Gabrielle Zevin (September 2011) Birthright #1 |
Falling for Hamlet by Michelle Ray (July 2011) |
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Forgotten by Cat Patrick (June 2011) |
Chime by Franny Billingsley (March 2011) |
The Iron Queen by Julie Kagawa (February 2011) Iron Fey #3 |
Delirium by Lauren Oliver (February 2011) |
A Spy in the House by Y.S. Lee (2010) The Agency #1 |
The Body at the Tower by Y.S. Lee (2010) The Agency #2 * TWO COPIES AVAILABLE * |
White Cat by Holly Black (2010) The Curse Workers # 1 |
The Duff by Kody Keplinger (2010) |
Thirteen Days to Midnight by Patrick Carman (2010) |
The Karma Club by Jessica Brody (2010) |
The Replacement by Brenna Yovanoff (2010) |
Primary Audience: Middle Grade
Kat, Incorrigible by Stephanie Burgis (February 2011) Unladylike Adventures of Kat Stephenson #1 |
Radiance by Alyson Noël (2010) Riley Bloom #1 |
Big Nate Strikes Again by Lincoln Peirce (2010) Big Nate #2 |
Museum of Thieves by Lian Tanner (2010) Keepers Trilogy #1 |
Keeper by Kathi Appelt (2010) |
Luv Ya Bunches by Lauren Myracle (2010) Flower Power #1 |
We the Children by Andrew Clements (2010) Benjamin Pratt and the Keepers of the School #1 |
1. To enter, leave a comment on this post stating which ARCs you would like to win. Choose up to 10! We cannot guarantee the number of titles you will receive (results will vary according to number of entries) or that you will receive the titles you've selected, but we'll do our best to make you happy! Priority will be determined by a random drawing on October 14th.
2. Please include your e-mail address with your comment so we can notify you if you win something! Hint: To prevent trawlers from picking up your address you may format your address as follows: reference[AT] bcplib [DOT] com.
3. You can earn bonus entries! To earn an extra entry in the random drawing, click Follow and/or subscribe to Book News and Reviews by e-mail or RSS. You can also earn an extra entry for each comment you make on any other Book News and Reviews posts (only 1 comment per post counts). Add a plus one to your comment below for each bonus entry you've earned. For example,if you've signed up for a BN&R e-mail subscription and commented on 4 posts other than this one, put "+5" at the end of your comment below. You will be entered in the drawing a total of 6 times.
4. Here's the catch. All ARCs must be picked up at a Bullitt County Public Library location. Winners will be notified via e-mail.
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Click on the word COMMENTS in the orange box, or click the Post a Comment link at the bottom of the comments below.
I would like to win:
1) A Thousand Lives
2) Heresy
3) Prophecy
4) Heretics Daughter
5) Found Salvation at Dairy Queen
Yay! I am so glad to see some comments (and contest entries!)coming in! But please remember to include your contact information so that we can let you know when you win! Also, don't forget that you can earn extra entries by posting your comments to other posts on the blog.
I would like to win:
1. Radiance
2. Forgotten
I would like to win:
#1 - American Widow
#2 - Maman's Homesick Pie
#3 - Kat, Incorrigible
starlightkitty [AT] hellokitty [DOT] com
Awesome!! There are several books listed that I would love to add to my classroom library!! They are:
*The Promised World
*Looking for Salvation at the
Dairy Queen
*Falling for Hamlet
*Big Nate
*Love Ya Bunches
1. Looking for Salvation at the Dairy Queen
2. One Day
3. Original Sin
4. Triangles
5. American Widow
Found Salvation at Dairy Queen
Maman's Homesick Pie
sherry hutchins
I would love to win any of the below books. What a great idea.
1) American Widow
2) All these things I've done
3) One Day
4) Look for Salvation at the Dairy Queen
5) Etta
6) Original Sin
7) The soldiers wife
8) The Promised world
9) The Iron Queen
10)The Duff
11)The replacement
Thank you,
I would like any of the books.
My top picks: (in no particular order)
1)Promise the night
3)All These Things I've done
6)The Iron Queen
7)Thirteen Days to midnight
8)The Katrina Club
Thanks, Bobbie Sharp
(entered by a RM clerk) She has no way to be contacted. She is going to come in and ask if she won any books after the contest. Thanks.
I'm interested in:
The House at Midnight
Iron Queen
White Cat
I would like to win:
1)The Agency:A Spy in the House
2)The Agency:The Body at the Tower
3)The Lost Summer of Louisa May Alcott
4)Museum of Thieves
5)The Propecy
8)13 Days to Midnight
9)Simple Skin Beauty
10)Promise the Night
Thank you! rancher11[at]live[dot]com
I would like to win:
2)Think of a Number
3)Promise the Night
4)13 Days to Midnight
5)The Agency: A Spy in the House
6)The Agency: The Body at the Tower
7)Museum of Thieves
Thanks!! belmontfarm215[at]yahoo[dot]com
1) The Little Giant of Aberdeen County
2) Delerium
3) The Duff
4) Glow
5) The Replacement
karicrum (at) aol (dot) com
Thanks to everyone who entered. The ARC winners will be notified shortly.
I would like to win: 1) A Thousand Lives 2) Heresy 3) Prophecy 4) Heretics Daughter 5) Found Salvation at Dairy Queen Thanks. (+1)
I am sorry Daryl. This giveaway ended Friday, October 14, 2011.
We host ARC giveaway events every Spring and Fall. If you want to be sure not to miss the next opportunity (Spring 2013), you can subscribe to our blog or follow Bullitt County Public Library on Facebook (
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