Audience: Young Adult/Teen
Genres: Dystopia/Fantasy
Summary: In a post-economic crash Atlanta of 2018, Hell is a very real thing. Demons abound and affect the lives of everyday citizens and necromancers can reanimate the dead to serve the living. It is up to the Demon Trappers to capture these hellspawn and rid the world of their threat. Seventeen-year-old Riley Anora Blackthore, whose name means "Valiant Light" is an apprentice to her father a master trapper of some renown. But there is a catch, Riley is the only female apprentice in the Atlanta Guild, and as such is hardly universally welcomed into the ranks of the Demon Trappers. Strangely enough even the demons know her name, a fact that hardly ensures her safety. Join Riley as she battles the forces of evil and strives to become the first female Master Demon Trapper, all the while juggling the attentions of several very interesting men.
Lucinda's Thoughts: I really enjoyed this book. After finishing The Help, I really needed to read something that was a completely different animal entirely. This satisfied that need. Riley's adventures were entertaining and kept me interested throughout the novel. Her struggles to come to grips with the events in her life are handled well, without contrived resolutions. This is a first novel in a planned trilogy and as such, does leave some questions unanswered, but the ending does not seem abrupt or too "I'm just going to leave you hanging here, so you will buy my next book". The demon hierarchy was imaginative and were very well thought out as the evil in the book. Fans of PC Cast, Illona Andrews, and supernatural fiction will enjoy this book. On the whole a good read.
Here is a video where Jana Oliver describes how to trap a Grade One Demon.
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